Ketramose, the New Dawn

Ketramose, the New Dawn

$ 40.43 -13.96 %

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Price history

Card information

Mana cost{1}{W}{B}
Card textMenace, lifelink, indestructible Ketramose can't attack or block unless there are seven or more cards in exile. Whenever one or more cards are put into exile from graveyards and/or the battlefield during your turn, you draw a card and lose 1 life.
Flavor textLet the past die so the future might live.


Recent transactions

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Sold2 hours ago

20 x $ 40.59

Sold6 hours ago

14 x $ 41.74

Bought9 hours ago

24 x $ 42.29

Sold11 hours ago

40 x $ 43.34

Card stats

Transactions (last week)2026
All-time highest price$ 60.14
All-time lowest price$ 17.65

All-time prices reflect only the time period that a card has been in the Arcane Assets database (started Q1 2024).

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